What is Microblading?
What is microblading?
Microblading is a form of tattooing that is done with a manual handle and "blade." This art is created by strategically placing hair like strokes to create the illusion of having fuller brows. This technique is a two step process and will last anywhere from 6-24 months.
Does mircoblading hurt?
Most clients will rate the pain of microblading a 2 or 3 on a pain scale of 10. We try to make our clients as comfortable as possible. A numbing topical cream/gel can be used to soothe mild discomfort.
How long does microblading take to heal?
We will provide you detailed instructions on how to care for your brows. Most will look healed in 7-10 days and will be fully healed in two weeks! A complimentary touch up will be done 8-12 weeks after your initial session.
Who is not suitable for the microblading procedure?
Microblading is not suitable for everyone. The following candidates are not suitable for microblading:
- Candidates using Accutane
- Have heart conditions or using heart medications
- Diabetes (Will require a physician's note)
- Skin disease or irritations
- Have had botox in the last two weeks
- Have received a deep tan or chemical peel in the last two weeks
- Allergy to lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, or epineprhine.
- Anyone who has had any serious medical conditions may require a physician's note.
- Pregnant or nursing clients.